Friday, October 26, 2012

Jhumroo at Kingdom Of Dreams

We visited "Kingdom Of Dreams" for the second time yesterday. Set in the locales of Gurgaon, this is a fantasy land where one can spend some leisure hours away from home. The ambience of the "Culture Gully" at the Kingdom Of Dreams makes it worth a visit. Different States of the country have their stores and food court here to offer the unique flavour of their cultural tradition. The stores have a good variety to choose from and the food is delicious too. One gets to taste a variety of food from various parts of the country. This gives a platform to our States to showcase their unique handicrafts, food and replicas of their heritage buildings. The entire set up is very aesthetic. The facade of the building looks very beautiful with intricate carvings on the walls. Each element of the set up from the gates to the fountains and the statues in the porches and courtyards have all been designed with spectacular extravagance. The place actually transports you to a world of dreams - truly living up to its name "Kingdom Of Dreams".We had gone there to watch "Jhumroo", a musical comedy show. "Jhumroo" was not as good as the main show "Zangoora" that we had seen some weeks ago. "Zangoora" had set our expectations from "Jhumroo" very high. "Jhumroo" picked up pace in the second part of the show but was not up to the same mark as "Zangoora". One can see the effort gone in creating the sets, costumes, dances, songs, acting, etc. but it was an average act compared to "Zangoora". One thing that I liked about both the shows is that actors in both the shows try to engage the audience in their show and this makes it unique and feel real.

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