Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One World

I was surfing the You Tube to hear K'Naan's "Waving Flag" song as I really like the rhythm and music of this song, it has such an Indian touch about it. I wanted to hear some more songs from him so I was browsing through and found some more songs. Then I hit upon an Ethiopian song. I was amazed to hear the song and see the dance performed on it. It was so much similar to the Bihu dance and song form of the Eastern States of India. The rhythm, the tones, the music, the notes and the dance moves were so much alike I just could not believe my eyes and ears. I wanted to check if my knowledge of Bihu is right or not so I browsed for a Bihu dance and I was absolutely right in my judgement. The two forms had so much in common it was just amazing. I said to myself yes it is One World.

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