Thursday, November 10, 2011

Home Made Remedies for Cold and Cough

The weather is changing and temperature shifts are erratic leading to cold, cough, flu and viral breakouts. "Common Cold" as the name suggests is common enough for people to ignore it at the early stages. And once ignored it can turn fatal too. Medicines seldom work the way you would want them to so there are some tried and tested home made remedies to fight cold and cough.

First one is a sweet concoction of honey, black pepper powder and cinnamon powder. One tablespoon of honey with a quarter tablespoon each of ground black pepper and cinnamon had thrice a day and as an SOS during frequent cough helps in soothing and curing the throat.

Second is a Masala Tea made of tulsi (small basil leaves). For one cup tea, boil one cup water, add one teaspoon of sugar or as per taste, add one teaspoon of any flavoured tea leaves, add five to six tulsi leaves. Boil this for some time and then add one tablespoon of milk and boil again. Milk is optional here. Strain and drink it hot. You can substitute tulsi leaves with some minced ginger or ground black pepper or ground cinnamom too as they all help in curing cough and cold.

Third is a traditional Indian remedy. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of sugar to a glass of milk and boil it. You can add a teaspoon of ghee to the milk too. Have it hot. This remedy not only helps in cough and cold but also helps as a pain reliever, an antiseptic and an anti inflammatory medicine.

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