Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Amazing Cure For Dry Cough

Winter brings in cough and cold problems. I had written about some miracle cures for cold and cough. Dry cough can be very frustrating if it persists for long. Here is an amazing cure to fight dry cough - boil some cumin seeds, cinnamon, dry ginger, black pepper and lemon grass. Add honey and drink the concoction four to five times in a day or when the throat feels very dry. This should help give amazing results within a day or two.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Beautiful Colours in These Winter Dahlias

Absolutely stunning , I just can't stop admiring these colours. The flowers are so beautiful. The white edges of this red dahlia and mauve edges of the peach dahlia are amazing. Awesome dahlias !! Our garden is in full bloom to welcome the onsetting winter.

Latest Pics of Chinese Orange Tree

These Chinese Oranges look adorable as they adorn and colour our garden. Just the right colour for lazy and cloudy winters.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

These Oranges Are Extremely Sour

These are Chinese Oranges and are extremely sour. Our garden looks nice with the splash of the orange colour. They can be used for making fresh orange juice and also in salads. But they look best adorning the tree. The tree will soon be full of these oranges and we will not be able to see the green leaves.

Monday, November 21, 2011

An Unbelievable Cure For Cough & Cold

You will find this interesting and may not believe what you read but I assure you this is tried and tested and it works. This cure is based on food - food items made with gram flour ("besan"). Pancakes, dessert and vegetable dumplings made with gram flour help contain and cure the phlegm. There are many people in India who cure their cold with these food items alone. I am giving the recipes for three of these food items which are easy to make and show fast and definite results.

First recipe is for gram flour pancakes - Mix a cup of gram flour and water to make a medium consistency paste. Add salt to taste. You may add a chopped/grated onion and a chopped/grated potato to the mixture too. Make pancakes of this mixture. Shallow fry them in a pan and serve hot. These are also called "Poorhas" or "Cheelas" in the local dialects.

Second recipe is for gram flour dessert - Take a tablespoon of gram flour and saute with a spoon of ghee. Stir till golden brown and add a cup of milk. Boil and add sugar to taste. Stir and remove pan from the stove and serve hot.

Third recipe is for gram flour dumplings - Chop some onions, potatoes and cauliflower. Mix them in gram flour. Add water to make a medium consistency paste. Add salt to taste. You may add other condiments as per taste. Heat some vegetable oil in a deep pan. Fry dumplings of the gram flour and vegetable mixture till golden brown. The dumplings can be had with mint chutney or tomato ketchup.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Miracle Cure For Severe Cough and Cold

There is a miracle cure for severe cough and cold which is a household remedy. This concoction has worked like magic for my cold and cough and has left me totally amazed. I learnt of this concoction from Mrs. CP and am thankful to her for sharing the knowledge of this medicine with me. So I will share this information here for the benefit of all readers :

Take few basil (tulsi) leaves, one bay leaf, three cloves, a spoon of candy sugar and a spoon of minced ginger. Add these to a glass of water. Boil the mixture till the quantity reduces to half of the original quantity. Strain and drink the concoction while still hot.

Try it , you will also thank Mrs. CP.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Home Made Remedies for Cold and Cough

The weather is changing and temperature shifts are erratic leading to cold, cough, flu and viral breakouts. "Common Cold" as the name suggests is common enough for people to ignore it at the early stages. And once ignored it can turn fatal too. Medicines seldom work the way you would want them to so there are some tried and tested home made remedies to fight cold and cough.

First one is a sweet concoction of honey, black pepper powder and cinnamon powder. One tablespoon of honey with a quarter tablespoon each of ground black pepper and cinnamon had thrice a day and as an SOS during frequent cough helps in soothing and curing the throat.

Second is a Masala Tea made of tulsi (small basil leaves). For one cup tea, boil one cup water, add one teaspoon of sugar or as per taste, add one teaspoon of any flavoured tea leaves, add five to six tulsi leaves. Boil this for some time and then add one tablespoon of milk and boil again. Milk is optional here. Strain and drink it hot. You can substitute tulsi leaves with some minced ginger or ground black pepper or ground cinnamom too as they all help in curing cough and cold.

Third is a traditional Indian remedy. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of sugar to a glass of milk and boil it. You can add a teaspoon of ghee to the milk too. Have it hot. This remedy not only helps in cough and cold but also helps as a pain reliever, an antiseptic and an anti inflammatory medicine.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


God must be a perfectionist. His creations are so perfect .......I am amazed at the perfect coordination of colours and the exactness of lines drawn across the petals and the serrated edges. God has a plethora of colours to give such  variations in each variety of flowers. He leaves me speechless with every creation of His.
These are some pictures from our garden's first bloom of this season.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chrysanthemums and Dahlias

Waiting for them to appear soon in our garden this winter. This one is from last year.


Peace ..........sublime peace
I was able to get a good shot of this flower in our garden.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chirp Chirp Tweet Tweet

We live in a state that gets varied varieties of migratory birds every year and it is so much fun to hear them chirp and dance around in the bird bath in our garden every morning.

A Chirpy Good Morning To The World

Just took these pics in the morning

I would thank the workers of Hindustan Photofilms (near Ooty) for having gone on a strike for these beautiful pictures. The workers had blocked the road and we had to take a detour through a village. The shortcut was through this scenic landscape where I clicked these awesome snaps.

God's Landscaping

God has to be the best Creative Artist no wonder we call him "The Creator".

Monday, October 10, 2011