Sunday, March 8, 2009

Uncommon Common Sense

Many of us would have noticed/ taken part in these actions that are contrary to common sense:

1) Placing a glass or cup on the edge of a table to allow it to fall instantly and break.
2) Leaving loose papers under a fan knowing very well they will get blown away by the drought.
3) Picking a jar or bottle from the lid to drop it while the lid remains in the hand.
4) Trying to open a bottle which is full up to the brim by holding it at the centre thereby spilling water that gets squeezed out as soon as the lid opens.
5) Blowing into infant’s food and filling it with germs on the pretext of cooling it and still claiming to be hygiene conscious.
6) Opening the car door without checking for traffic/ pedestrians coming from behind and in turn hitting someone or getting hit by a speeding vehicle passing by.
7) Giving infants hot food without telling them it is hot and burning their tender mouths.
8) Keeping sharp objects / medicines / match boxes/ lighters within easy reach of children.
9) Letting infants near hot objects on pretext of making them independent. Or on pretext of teaching them what warm / hot means. (So I assume these parents will throw the infant in front of a car to teach them what an accident means. I feel such careless people do not have a right to parent children.)
10) Trying to distract a driver by pointing at things on the road.
11) Asking a person why he/she does not have children. Is it not obvious that either there is a medical reason or there is no desire for parenthood!! Why ask such silly questions??
12) Holding the car door rim while trying to seat inside the car, giving every opportunity to the other passengers/ driver to smash the fingers while closing the door.
13) Leaving wallets/ handbags/valuables unattended to later grieve over theft of valuables.
14) Writing passwords on the credit card/debit card cover and then complaining of card misuse/fraud.

The list is endless and we still talk about Common Sense.

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