Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who Am I - Sixteen Bedtime Riddles For Children

I keep ticking round the clock but can never see the time as I am facing the wall.
I am the Wall Clock.

I wash up oysters on the sand, swing and sway and splash around.
I am the Ocean Wave.

I chugh and shake, I hoot and shout, I have the road on my side and take the children for a ride.
I am the School Bus.

I help teach the world though the world keeps cleaning my notes.
I am the Black Board.

I twist and turn and grow with time. I look good even when I am cut to a small size.
I am the Lock of Hair.

I am dark with millions of shining eyes.
I am the Night Sky.

I smoke and sniff, I hiss and honk, I cover millions of miles in hours.
I am the Train.

I am covered in a hard shell but my heart is a sweet water well.
I am the Coconut.

I steam and scream and blow a whistle.
I am the Kettle.

In layers I cover my backbone with sweet shining bubbles.
I am a Corn.

I scribble and leave black marks and sliding on paper is my art.
I am a Pencil.

I make a colourful smiley face and cheer people of all age.
I am a Rainbow.

I hop, I fly, I walk and I swim and in my Antarctic home I live.
I am a Penguin.
    I hide the windows on the screen.
    I am the Screensaver.

    I keep changing my size to light up the nights.I am the Moon.

    I move at a slow pace with a back of heavy plate.
    I am a Turtle.

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