Saturday, July 2, 2016

All Things Living

A treat for children and the animal lovers and animal activists.
Sid is captured by some animals and there is no way he can escape. Is he going to pay for the follies of mankind? Is he going to become a pet for the animals?

Review - Beyond The Sunset

            I just finished reading, Beyond the Sunset. Actually I got a bit busy with something else and so paused for a while in the middle but I think it goes to Ranjana's credit, that I picked up where I had left off without forgetting a thing:))

            I am quite amazed by the amount of hard work Ranjana has put in her writing. The setting is so clearly etched out - the cruise as well as the city background. The characters stand up as humans, I loved the scenes between Shipra & Rita and the beauty of the central love story.
                - Nilanjana Sengupta, Author of 'A Gentleman's Word' and 'The Female Voice of Myanmar'